Why Should You Switch to a Magnetic Window Cleaner?
Window cleaners have been around for a very long time. From the days of the bucket and sponge to modern day industrial magnetic window cleaners, we’ve come a long way. But there are still some issues with traditional window cleaning methods that need to be addressed.
For one thing, they involve chemical residues which can leave streaks or spots on your windows if not cleaned off well enough. They also emit fumes into the air which is harmful to both you and the environment. For these reasons, many people have turned to using magnets instead of chemicals as their go-to method for cleaning windows – but how do they work?
It uses powerful magnets that attract dirt and debris from your windows in much the same way as a lint roller. The force of the magnets is strong enough to attract smaller particles, but weak enough that it will not damage your windows when in use.

It can be used on most types of glass surfaces (including mirrors, if they are metal-backed), and leaves no residue behind. It works through a stick which you attach the magnets to, and then run the stick across the glass.
Once you’ve finished cleaning your windows with it, the debris is attracted so strongly to the magnets that it cannot fall off when wiped away. You can either use your hand or a piece of cloth for this step. The result will be sparkling windows free of streaks and spots.
Traditional window cleaners can sometimes be harmful to both you and the environment. It use powerful magnets to attract that dirt, debris, paint chips and other materials from your windows. This type of cleaning is environmentally friendly because it doesn’t release any toxic fumes or liquids into the air during its process. You also don’t have to worry about breaking a sweat when using this type of cleaner – they are easy-to-use! If you live in an apartment building where there’s no access to fresh water like many do, then consider switching up how you clean with a magnetic window cleaner for best results on all surfaces around your home or office – even mirrors if needed!